Four Square Meets Volleyball
Say hello to your new favorite game.
Say hello to your new favorite game.
America's #1 Backyard Game
Four square meets volleyball with our patented four way volleyball net. Perfect for the upcoming tailgate, family BBQ, or trip to the beach. Volleyball player or not, CROSSNET is a great way to get everybody playing and feeling like a kid again. Height adjustable and easy to set up anywhere.
In September of 2017 we created CROSSNET to be the perfect game for players of all ages. What started as the world's first four way volleyball game has now transformed into a backyard game company with dozens of products selling into in your favorite retail stores.
Whether you're in the backyard, beach, or BBQ - our promise to you is to help you make memories with the people that actually matter.
Growing up in a quiet town, we came up with the idea for CROSSNET as a fun way to bring friends together. After building our first prototype, we invited friends and family to test it out, and it was an absolute hit!
Now, we get to live out our dream of growing our game to over 1,000,000 players & 49 countries!
We look forward to seeing you out there.
- Mike, Greg & Chris. Co-Founders @ CROSSNET